High Voltage Solar Systems By SEMIKRON
Innovations, New Designs in a Progress!
In such order of thinking, the Solar Designs also have their “Quiet Revolution”, especially when it comes to the industrial production of renewable energy.
Today’s topic is closely related to the tendencies of industrial solar design, through the Product portfolio of a German company SEMIKRON
Semikron – Innovation & Service,
EU, Germany.
VIDEO 1. Solutions for 1500V Solar Applications
VIDEO 2. PCIM 2017 – Product Highlights
VIDEO 3. SEMITOP E2 SiC Platform
Likewise, the raging grandiose Current’s War ” between Nikola Tesla- AC or Alternate Current adherent and Thomas Edison- The Direct Current adherent at the end of 19th Century, Todays Solar System also have their own growth.
A High Voltage Design is uncovering an ultimate flexibility and makes possible your custom solar design as quickly as possible becomes fully functional.
Sophisticated paralleling ability is based on an innovative Direct Pressed Die Technology.
You can choose – without paralleling – Up to 750kW for less powerful designs or Sophisticated paralleling – using SEMITRANS® 10 DPD – Up to 2 Mega Watts.
SEMITRANS 10 – Key Features:
- 2-level & 3-level modules,
- max 750kW w/o paralleling,
- Semikron Specific IC ASIC with integrated drivers,
- UL certification,
- Fast time-to-market Ideology,
- 62mm Industrial Standard Modular Design,
- High safety Level with IntelliOff function for High Voltage applications Up to 1500VDC
{Source: SEMIKRON}