Hardware Laboratory – Part 6: Electro-Mechanical Tools
Today We will continue to equip our virtual Hardware Laboratory with the idea one day It going to become a reality.
In the previous two parts, we have described the different kinds of screwdrivers.
Let we continue expanding the HW-Lab’s Screwdrivers equipment, adding three new types:
- “Semi-Automatic“: Completely mechanical screwdriver with Some kinematic improvements, friendly wrist by tiring, twisting movements.
- “Automatic“: Battery powered {Electromotor based} – Electro-Mechanical screwdriver
- “Automatic with Adjusting Torque Clutch” – Electro-Mechanical screwdriver Clutch, several Speeds gear-Box, etc.
1. The first Type: “Semi-Automatic” can be differentiated, two main members:
- Ratchet -Style Handle:
PIC. 1 Reversive Ratchet
PIC. 2 Reversive Ratchet ScrewDriver Mechanism
About The Principal of the Reversive Ratchet Mechanism:
The Principe of work is simple, as is seen the FIGURE 1:
Handle Head [80] has inner corona gear [34] which is connected in one of two (user selected) ends teethed detail [90]. The last one has an axis of rotation – axel [96], and selector “tumb”- [146] with spring [154]. The direction of tightening, respectively of non-rotating return is selecting via detail [176].
Unwinding and tightening are selected by pressing the rugged “button” of the selector -180 or 178 ends.
FIGURE 1. The Reversive Ratchet Mechanism
The Second Member is also famous:
- Yankee -Style, Rotating-Barrel Screwdriver:
PIC. 3 Yankee -Style, Rotating-Barrel Screwdriver
About The Principal of The Yankee – Style, Rotating-Barrel Screwdriver:
You easily can see the two twisted helicoidal drains, that are carved from top to the bottom of the axle of screwdriver rotating head.
Managed by the user, on the handle slider selects, which carved drain is leading, respectively, is choosing the direction of rotation: Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise.
2. The second type is: Automatic, Battery powered {Electromotor based} – Electro-Mechanical screwdriver.
PIC. 4 SKIL 2356-01 360: Behind an illuminated window stay the magazine with 12-BITs
AMAZON.CO.UK Affiliate Link: SKIL 2356-01 360, 12 Bits Magazine Automatic Screw Driver
With This Screwdriver, after selecting the needed BIT, You can replace the last used BIT, just with a simple movement.
The Magazine Capacity is 12 bits.
PIC. 5 We see through the plastic window tip of selected BIT.
One Simple movement of the black slider forward – towards the BIT holder PIPE, pushes the BIT TIP Outside and make the device ready for usage.
PIC. 6 The Device is charging via 5V USB interface.
3. The Third Type is an “Automatic with Adjusting Torque Clutch” – Electro-Mechanical screwdriver Adjustable Clutch.
PIC. 7 B+D LED Illuminated, Magnetic Screw Support & Holder, 4V Li-Ionic, Regulated Torque clutch.
PIC. 8 BLACK+DECKER_LI4000 4-Volt Lithium-Ion
You Can Select 1 of 6- Steps Winding Torque Adjusting Clutch
VIDEO 1. Black & Decker Rechargeable Lithium ScrewDriver
PIC. 9 The Japanese Monster – Makita XRF01Z 18V LXT has multiple settings and magazine with multiple Screws on tape.
Don’t Stop to Reinvent Yourself, Dear Explorers!
To Be Continued!