6. Kingston SV300S37A/480G SSDNow V300 480GB
Price ~ 149 USD
Average User Bench -107%
Peak Lab Bench -111%
Value & Sentiment -62%
Nice To Haves -105%
Average Bench: 50.4% – 512th / 734
Average effective speed
The Kingston SSDNow V300 480GB averaged 49.6% lower
than the peak scores attained by the group leaders.
This isn’t a great result which indicates that there
are much faster alternatives on the comparison list.
Average consistency
The range of scores (best-worst) for the Kingston
SSDNow V300 480GB is 42.3%. This is a relatively wide
range which indicates that the Kingston SSDNow V300
480GB performs inconsistently under varying real
world conditions.
Avg. 4K Random Read Speed 21.3MB/s
Avg. Sequential Read Speed 430MB/s
Avg. 4K Random Write Speed 15.9MB/s
Avg. 4K-64Thread Write Speed 59MB/s
AmazonUS $149.00
EbayUS $149.95
NewEGG.US $149.99
Prices are based on 11.02.2016 report